Inventory Optimization in Dynamics GP: NETSTOCK Podcast Supply Chain Chats


Watch Video Cavallo VP of Product Jeremy Boogaart recently sat down with Russ Graf of NETSTOCK to chat about improved inventory management on NETSTOCK’s podcast, Supply Chain Chats, and we’ve captured all the highlights right here. NETSTOCK is an inventory management software centered around helping product-centric businesses cultivate smarter, data-driven restocking and replenishment strategies. They’ve […]

Tips for Increasing Your Pipeline Visibility (And Trusting What You See)

distribution visibility solutions

Achieving “total visibility.” It’s an attractive statement. It’s what all of us distributors and product-centric businesses are after. But it’s also much easier said than done. When you’re dealing with intel that only tells half the story, operational visibility can seem like an impossible goal. In order to gain the data and insight you need […]

Accounting Terms for Distribution Professionals

Accounting Terms

Accountants tend to use a lot of jargon, leaving some of us non-accountants feeling confused. In order to help, we’ve compiled a list of must-know accounting terms for a distribution professional.

Basic ERP Definitions for Distributors

ERP definitions

The ever-evolving world of software makes it tough to stay current with industry jargon—especially for those new to the industry. Distribution and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) technology each come with a handful of key terms, so it’s important to know the lingo inside and out. To break it down for you, we compiled a list […]