After struggling with frequent downtime, LightBulbs.com needed a credit card gateway that could keep up with processing $10 million a year in credit card transactions. Learn how they’ve been able to manage their volume and growth with the SalesPad and Square integration.
Founded in 1951 as Mel’s Van O Lite, LightBulbs.com has remained a family-owned business while embracing technological change. As an early adopter of eCommerce sales, they became the first business worldwide to sell lighting products online.
In 2000, they launched a dedicated eCommerce website after watching their online sales take off. Now an internationally recognized premier source for lighting products, LightBulbs.com continues to adapt to market trends while growing their operations.
The Challenge
With over $10 million a year in credit card transactions, LightBulbs.com needed to find a new credit card gateway that would solve their current downtime issues. As President Paul McLellan said, if he can’t process a credit card, then he can’t take an order and loses out on a sale.
LightBulbs.com hoped to find a credit card gateway and processor in one, to simplify their credit card processing while also avoiding downtime.
The Solution
As a longstanding SalesPad® customer, McLellan was very interested when he learned about our integration with Square. “One of the selling points for Square was having a gateway and processor all in the same spot,” explained McLellan. Lightbulbs.com had spent the past six years with a different credit card gateway and was disappointed with the frequent outages.
McLellan’s top concern was stability. He didn’t want to experience regular breakdowns with yet another credit card gateway. After going live with the SalesPad and Square integration, “we’ve had zero downtime,” McLellan told us.
“We don’t want friction in our checkout flow. We don’t want friction in our call center when the CSR or the sales rep is charging a card. We want to be able to tell the customer, ‘Your card went through’.” With the SalesPad and Square integration, LightBulbs.com is no longer struggling to manage lulls or resistance caused by credit card processing.
According to McLellan, it was obvious from day one that the integration was going to be simple. “The database accessibility…made it seamless for us to take transactions that were generated online and interact with them inside of SalesPad,” he said. “We can credit void and do all of the necessary operations directly in the software, as it connects seamlessly into our Square account.”
Paul McLellan President of LightBulbs.com“We do over $10 million a year in credit card transactions. For us, uptime is absolutely key. Since we've been live with the SalesPad and Square integration, we've had zero downtime. This integration allows us to manage our volume and our growth. Now, we spend less time doing the same amount of work."
“The SalesPad and Square integration is so incredibly easy to use,” McLellan said. “It has dramatically helped our customer service and B2B sales teams with their onboarding of new sales reps and CSRs. The integration is so simple that the training takes mere minutes.”
McLellan is also very pleased with the support his team has received from both Square and Cavallo®. “The customer support with Cavallo is amazing. The response time is incredibly quick. They’re very knowledgeable about the product. You can tell that they are, like they say, obsessed with customer service.”
With Cavallo and Square, LightBulbs.com stays competitive and relevant. Because they can quickly and securely process tens of thousands of credit card transactions each year, they stay on top of their industry and ahead of their competition.